15 Feb, 2025
Ruby On Rails Presentations

Presentation Materials for BuildingWebApps

Presentation training materials were produced showing the systems and dataflows involved with the Ruby on Rails environment. Here are two examples of the presentation materials developed in Flash.

Example 1 , Example 2

The Technovisual Book of Magic

Flash Procedo Header for Indezyn

Flash Procedo Header for Indezyn

A Flash header animation produced for a Wedding and Party organiser. Animation includes many different techniques to create a dynamic and flowing snapshot portfolio.

See the complete animation here.
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas to all our friends, customers and suppliers. Looking forward to seeing and working with you all in the new year.

If you haven't seen our e-card for this year, you can view it here.


Copyright TechnoVisual Ltd. 2003-2024. All rights reserved. Company Number: 5161262.
DVD and CD Duplication, Short-run Printing and Packaging, Technical Consultancy, Video Production and Photography
In Buckingham, Milton Keynes, Banbury, Aylesbury, Northampton, Oxford and surrounding areas.